Monday, December 16, 2013

European holiday ..a long flight and Christmas reminders.

Our first leg of the journey to Amsterdam was only eight hours, passing fairly quickly, with a couple of meals and movies thrown in.

On arrival at Singapore airport, with a two hour stopover, we set out to explore the terminal.
There were lots of nice Christmas decorations, including this leaning tower of Pisa, which lit up in a varying sequence every minute or so, surrounded at the bottom by masses of white orchids.

We were entertained by a group of carollers, singing acapella. They were not very good, and that might have accounted for the lack of applause from the onlookers!

Once back on our plane for our final flight, we settled in for a long night, managing to sleep some of the tortuous hours away. Sitting in those airline seats for many hours does not do anything for aging bodies I must confess, and I'm not sure Aysha fared much better than myself or TRO.

At long last, touch down at Amsterdam, a fairly quick procedure to go through passport control, collect our baggage, through the "nothing to declare" gate, and meet Liz.

This large, brightly lit Christmas tree was decorating Schipol airport, reminding us that the 25th is not too far away.

Once settled in to our new abode, we took a walk to the Winkelhof, where the girls bought themselves a fun Christmas hat. Then we ventured out around the local area to help us stay awake, and although the day was cold, at least the sun was shining.

By 7.30 pm, we weary travelers we falling asleep in our chairs, so turned in for an early night, hoping we would sleep through until the next morning.

Location:Spiegheldreef,Leiderdorp,The Netherlands

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